Love this Fleetwood Mac song. and rain. and pretty much any Fleetwood Mac song.
Been meeting it up with two at Western Springs Historical Society today, before I have a shopping appointment at Target and Half-Price books. Then doing more work for Swedish and Edgewater museums at home, in between heavy Facebook and ChicagoBreakingNews.com sessions.
For someone who never had any extra-curricular activities or jobs until I was 19, I sure am taking on a lot. Sounds like I'm experienced, with two museums under my belt, another historical society in the works, and in the running for library employment in the burbs. Also trying to put in time to CAASE, my first step into the volunteering world over a year ago.
In the next coming months, my life will be as busy and hectic as a storm, if it hasn't already. Now that most of the drama in my social life has subsided since hitting me over two years ago, I can focus on being peaceful and career-oriented for years to come.
And now, to coincide with my mood, my schedule, and the scary weather approaching our town right now, here is "Storm" performed live by Fleetwood Mac.
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